Cannizzo Lawyers
Glavas Lau Lawyers
Phone numbers:
(03) 9370 1155
(03) 9370 1550
(03) 9370 1455
Formal Address:
686 Mount Alexander Road, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039
Can now be found at:
1/333 Keilor Rd, Essendon VIC 3040
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Our firms contact details
Level 1 / 333 Keilor Road
Essendon Vic. 3040
Phone: +61 3 9375 4226
Fax: +61 3 9370 5290
Opening Hours:
8.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m
Take the first step. We can help.
Call Us Now on +61 3 9375 4226 or Enquire online